Legend Template:

> 1. School,
> 2. Students (pupils) have test,
> 3. No one has revised,
> 4. Person writes down answers,
> 5. Send answers around class,
> 6. Everyone passes,
> 7. They all get good grades.
> Legend:  by William
> It was a fairly normal day for the hard-working students/pupils of (Schools > name here.)  They had just come in from break/lunch to go to Maths, looking  forward to another lesson of  (present subject here.) But the cruel eye of
> fate looked down on them that day, for the very forgetful class had > forgotten one very important fact;
> "Right then class, sit down quietly for the start of the TEST!" shouted
> (Name of teacher here).
> Suddenly the whole class became panicky.
>            "Oh No! I forgot!" mumbled (Name of girl in class).
>            "We all forgot!" replied (Name of boy in class).
>    Soon the test started and the rooms' prisoners became more and more > nervous. Nobody had bothered to revise, no change there, but this test was a  very, very, important one.
>    Enter (Name of boy in class), who had just happened to have his Maths  book in his bag. Soon all the answers to all the questions had been written  down on a sheet of paper.
>             "Quick, send this 'round to everyone!" (Name of the boy)
> whispered to (Name of girl sitting next to boy).
>    Five minutes left and nearly all the class now had the right answers. A  silent sigh of relief filled the room.
>             "O.K class, put your pencils down and pass your tests to the  front of the class." Announced (Name of teacher).
>    The good news was that the whole class had written down the right answers  on their tests', they all passed and they all ended up getting (Regular form  of reward here).

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